By Hamza Waqar on January 17, 2024
2 minute read

As organizations adapt and align their business strategies with the emerging business world, there's no denying that internal communication (IC) becomes more paramount than ever. It connects every department, every team, and every individual. However, the complexities of managing IC effectively are driving a significant trend in the industry: outsourcing IC functions. 

As we approach 2024, let's delve into some compelling trends that are set to encourage organizations to consider outsourcing as a viable, if not irresistible, option: 

1. Emphasis on Cost-Effectiveness 

Hiring a full, professional IC team in-house can be a cost burden that many organizations increasingly find hard to justify. Not only are there financial implications, but the time and resources required for recruitment, training and staff retention present further challenges. In contrast, outsourcing this function can drastically reduce costs without compromising the quality of communication. 

2. Rising Need for Specialist Skills 

IC involves a diverse range of tasks and disciplines, from content creation and distribution to strategizing and measuring engagement. As such, the breadth of skills required, paired with the fast-paced evolution of IC technology, makes outsourcing an appealing prospect. Specialist external providers bring a depth of expertise and up-to-date knowledge that is hard to beat. 

3. Demand for Advanced IC Technologies 

The technological landscape in IC is vast and rapidly evolving, with an increasing demand for advanced, multifunctional platforms. Outsourced IC service providers often have access to such premium tools, ensuring companies benefit from state-of-the-art IC technologies without bearing the brunt of ownership cost and maintenance. 

4. Increased Scalability 

Outsourcing the IC function allows for increased scalability. As organizations grow, the ability to manage expanded IC needs becomes critical. Outsourced IC solutions often offer greater flexibility, adapting to an organization's size and needs without a stressful onboarding process. 

5. The Necessity for Crisis Communication

Global crises, like the COVID-19 pandemic, have underscored the importance of timely, transparent, and empathetic communication from organizations to their employees. An outsourced IC team can provide expert guidance and rapid response in crisis situations, ensuring employees are kept informed and reassured.  

Given the unpredictable nature of crises, this proactive approach positions organizations to respond swiftly and effectively when needed, making outsourcing a prudent choice. 

6. The Impacts of a Remote Workforce 

The shift towards remote working, accelerated by the pandemic, is predicted to remain prominent post-pandemic too.  

Gartner reported that 74% of CFOs plan to shift at least 5% of their previously on-site workforce to permanently remote positions post-COVID-19. As dispersed teams become the new norm, the complexity and demands of effective internal communication grow. This trend nudges businesses towards outsourcing IC, leveraging expert strategies to keep remote teams informed, connected, and engaged. 

7. The Focus on Employee Experience

The 'Employee Experience' continues to dominate business conversations, and rightly so - a study conducted by Harvard Business Review found that organizations who invested in employee experience were four times more profitable than those who didn’t. A crucial part of this experience is effective internal communications. Organizations are identifying that an outsourced IC function offers advanced, bespoke solutions that are reactive to employee needs and encourage engagement. They put human experience at the forefront, crafting messages that resonate on a personal and professional level. 

At the end of the day, successful IC is not just about disseminating information but about fostering engagement, boosting collaboration, and shaping an uplifting company culture. Outsourcing IC functions enables organizations to achieve all this efficiently, cost-effectively, and professionally. 

Sparrow Connected’s ICaaS 

As we look ahead toward 2024, innovations like Sparrow Connected’s  Internal Communications as a Service (ICaaS) offering, is paving the way for organizations not ready to commit to a full team for Internal Communications. We provide an all-in-one solution combining strategy, service, platform, and analytics. Here you gain an entire team of communications professionals and access to award-winning multimodal platforms, all for half the cost of an in-house team. It's time to embrace the change with open arms and an open mindset.  

Schedule a meeting right now and see our solution in action.  


What’s Next? 

ICaaS (Internal Communication as a Service)

Effective internal communication is critical for a thriving and successful organization, but bringing on the right professionals and platform to create and deliver your communications can be costly and time-consuming.

Together, our top-notch internal communications professionals and award-winning omnichannel platform help organizations create and deliver effective internal communications for half the cost (and all the stress) of doing it in-house.

BLOG POST TAGS: employee engagement ICaaS internalcommunicationsasaservice Outsource Internal Communications Cost Saving Solutions

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