ICaaS (Internal Communications as a Service)

A True All-in-One Internal Communications Solution

ICaaS combines strategy, service, platform and analytics to provide businesses with an effective,
affordable, scalable alternative to building an in-house communications team. 

A True All-In-One  Internal Communications Solution

ICaaS New

ICaaS (Internal Communications as a Service)

Effective internal communication is critical for a thriving and successful organization, but bringing on the right professionals and platform to create and deliver your communications can be costly and time-consuming.

Together, our top-notch internal communications professionals and award-winning omnichannel platform help organizations create and deliver  effective internal communications for half the cost (and all the stress) of doing it in-house. 

Unlock a new level of internal communication excellence  for your organization. 

Accelerate Your Business Success with

 Effective Communication 


Miscommunication costs US businesses $12,506 per employee per year

- The Harris Poll 


Companies with engaged employees outperform those without by 202%

- The Society for Human Resource Management 


72% of employees feel they are missing out on company information and news

- Dynamic Signal found that 


Companies with  highly effective communication have a 47% higher  total return to  shareholders

- Towers Watson

Why Choose ICaaS? 

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Cost Savings & Unmatched Value 

Consider the cost of hiring an internal communication specialist and adopting an internal communications platform. The costs quickly add up. With ICaaS, you gain an entire team of communications professionals and access to a platform that includes a modern intranet, branded newsletters, and seamless integrations with popular tools like Slack or MS Teams, email, and SMS, all for half the cost.  

Top-Notch Expertise & Award-Winning Technology 

Our world-class internal communication experts, will create compelling content that aligns with your organization's vision and objectives and distribute it using our award-winning omnichannel platform, ensuring seamless delivery and maximum engagement among your employees.   

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Our professional

Worry-Free Communication Management 

Alleviate the burden of attrition, sick leaves, and vacations. With ICaaS, you can focus on your core business and driving your organization's success, while leaving all communication-related tasks to our professionals and technology.   

End-to-End Solution: Strategy, Execution,  and Measurement  

Our experienced team works closely with you to develop a solid communication strategy that aligns with your goals and priorities. We handle crafting and delivering content that resonates with your employees, ensuring maximum impact and engagement and provide detailed reports on readership and engagement metrics, so you have clear visibility into the effectiveness of your communications.   

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Personal Communication Assistant  

As an executive, your time is precious. That's why we go the extra mile to become your personal communication assistant. We meet with your leadership team to understand your unique communication priorities and craft content on your behalf. Our team is just an email away, ensuring your communication needs are met with efficiency and professionalism. 

WHITEPAPER: The Importance of Internal Communications Strategy for SMB's

This white paper explores the benefits of an all-in-one outsourced ICaaS solution that combines a cutting-edge platform with exceptional service. It highlights how companies can revitalize their internal communications, streamline operations, drive employee engagement, and reduce costs by 50% or more compared to in-house alternatives.

Discover the Sparrow Connected Advantage 

With Sparrow Connected's Internal Communications as a Service, you gain more than just a cost-effective solution. You enjoy a worry-free, all-encompassing service that takes care of all your communication needs. Our solution empowers corporate alignment, fosters a great corporate culture, reduces attrition, and improves operational performance.    

Sparrow Connected ICaaS Blogs

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Where Should Internal Comms Sit in Your Organization?                                                                     

August 29, 2023

Org charts can look like complex mazes. To complicate...

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Accelerate Your Business Success with Effective Communication                                                                      

August 09, 2023

Unlock the potential of ICaaS with Sparrow Connected...

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Why HR Should Not be Your Internal Communications Expert                                                          

August 01, 2023

It's not uncommon for organizations to place the...

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Unlock Internal Communication Excellence with ICaaS (Internal Communications as a Service) 

  • Strategy, Service, Platform, Analytics 
  • 50% Cost Savings 
  • World Class Platform
  • Personalized Service
  • Top Industry professionals
  • 300% Increase Internal Comms Engagement