By Hamza Waqar on October 31, 2023
2 minute read

If you've ever tuned into a late-night horror movie, you're aware of that unnerving scene where the hero finally finds out that the calls they've been receiving are coming from inside the house.

For any company, the thought of having ineffective internal communication can be as equally horrifying. But luckily, we’re here to help. Just like the reliable horror movie sidekick – we've got your back. Enter ICaaS (Internal Communications as a Service) from Sparrow Connected. 

This Halloween, we're likening some popular horror movies to common internal communications challenges and explaining how ICaaS can be your 'silver bullet' solution. 

1. "Nightmare on Elm Street" - Endless Miscommunication

The nightmare of miscommunication can be compared to the infamous Nightmare on Elm Street. The Harris Poll shows miscommunication costs US businesses $12,506 per employee per year. Sparrow Connected's ICaaS can put an end to these expensive dreams. With our world-class in-house professionals and award-winning omnichannel platform, we create compelling content that aligns with your organizational vision and objectives. Just like Nancy confronting Freddy Krueger, ICaaS confronts miscommunication head-on and prevents it from recurring. 

2. "The Mummy" - Difficulties Unearthed by Internal Changes

Facing internal changes like policy updates or organizational restructuring can feel like trying to put a mummy back in its sarcophagus. However, with ICaaS, you have a determined team of professionals who work closely with you to develop a solid communication strategy and streamline the transitions. We handle crafting and delivering content that resonates with your employees, ensuring maximum impact and engagement. ICaaS wraps up complicated transitions with a bow. 

3. "Psycho" - Isolated Departments

In communications horror, there's nothing more terrifying than having isolated departments - it's equivalent to the isolation experienced in "Psycho". ICaaS helps bridge these gaps by ensuring seamless delivery and maximum engagement among diverse staff members. The Sparrow Connected team functions as your personal communications assistant, understanding unique communication priorities of each department and crafting content accordingly.

4. "The Shining" - Slow and High-Cost In-House Communications

In the end, we all know what isolation did to Jack Torrance in "The Shining". Compared to the prohibitive cost and time consumption of building an effective in-house communication team, our ICaaS offers a cost-effective, nimble solution that banishes long, 'winter-like' waits for effective internal comms. You'll gain an entire team of communication professionals and access to a platform that includes a modern intranet, branded newsletters, and seamless integrations with popular tools - all for half the cost. 

Haunting communication issues can be an everyday nightmare for an organization, but don't let these fears keep you up at night. Sparrow Connected’s ICaaS is more than just a "Ghostbuster". It's a perfectly planned solution that tackles your scariest internal communication monsters, providing you with peace of mind and improved operational performance. 

Happy Halloween - and here's to banishing communication horror stories with ICaaS! 

Unleash Internal Communication Excellence with ICaaS 

Are you ready to tackle your internal communication nightmares? Talk to our IC Experts today to learn more about our Internal Communication as a Service and discover the Sparrow Connected advantage. 

Stay spooky and stay connected! 


What’s Next: 



ICaaS (Internal Communication as a Service)

Effective internal communication is critical for a thriving and successful organization, but bringing on the right professionals and platform to create and deliver your communications can be costly and time-consuming.

Together, our top-notch internal communications professionals and award-winning omnichannel platform help organizations create and deliver effective internal communications for half the cost (and all the stress) of doing it in-house.

BLOG POST TAGS: internal communciations ICaaS internalcommunicationsasaservice IC Horror Stories

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