By Julie Ford on September 26, 2023
2 minute read

In the bustling ecosystem of an organization, it's easy for our internal communications to encounter hiccups. After all, fostering a robust and healthy communication environment is a bit like gardening. It requires daily nurturing, constant pruning, and vigilance against pesky pests that can hamper the growth of our beautiful, blooming workforce. 

We’ve identified some significant signs of internal communication problems in this article. Let's dissect these together and uncover actionable strategies to strengthen your company’s internal communications. 

1. Upset Employees? 

Everyone hates to feel out of the loop, right? Especially your hardworking employees. As Harvard Business Review reiterates, it's crucial not just to disseminate information promptly but also to encourage feedback and listen patiently. Ever tried the “open door” policy? It encourages employees to share their concerns or ideas, fostering a sense of belonging. 

2. Are your Communication Channels Limited? 

Top-down and bottom-up communication strategies are like two sides of a coin. Over-reliance on one can hinder the flow of valuable insights. Encourage open discussions, town halls, brainstorming sessions—let every voice echo in your organization's hallways! 

3. Gossip and Rumors Taking Over? 

When employees lack reliable information, rumors crop up to fill in the gaps—and not in a good way. Regular and transparent updates can help keep these distracting whispers at bay. Foster a culture of trust and transparency; it goes a long way in rumor-proofing your organization! 

4. Disempowered Employees? 

Empowerment and communication are intertwined. Clue your teams in on your organization's mission, vision, and current standings. Help them align their personal goals with organizational ones. Remember, informed employees are empowered employees! 

5. Consistent Customer Complaints? 

Happy employees beget happy customers. Regular training sessions and feedback channels can help boost your employees' confidence—and your customer satisfaction rates. Celebrate your customer service wins, and never forget to give a shout-out to the heroes behind them! 

6. Low Engagement leading to Low Productivity? 

Disengaged employees don't just cost in terms of productivity but also significantly impact the overall work environment. A Gallup study alarmingly states that "actively disengaged employees cost the U.S. $450 billion to $550 billion per year." Encourage team-building activities, recognize, and appreciate hard work, and facilitate avenues for training and career advancements. Let's help them shift from "not engaged" to "passionate and driven". 

Clear and consistent internal communication isn't just pivotal in maintaining harmony within the workplace—it also directly impacts productivity, employee satisfaction, and customer relations. Organizations need to channel their energies to cultivate an environment where information flows freely, questions are encouraged, accomplishments celebrated, and voices valued. 


How are you Addressing these Challenges?  

At Sparrow Connected, we can help you create a winning internal communications strategy to take your organization to new heights. Our complete ICaaS (Internal Communications as a Service) solution will enhance employee engagement, and ultimately boost organizational performance.  

Explore the benefits of a fully outsourced, expert internal communications solution. Schedule a chat with one of our experts today to discuss how Sparrow Connected can become your internal communications partner. 


ICaaS (Internal Communication as a Service)

Effective internal communication is critical for a thriving and successful organization, but bringing on the right professionals and platform to create and deliver your communications can be costly and time-consuming.

Together, our top-notch internal communications professionals and award-winning omnichannel platform help organizations create and deliver effective internal communications for half the cost (and all the stress) of doing it in-house.

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