Blog | Internal Communications as a Service

Why Internal Comms Can’t be Overlooked?

Written by Hamza Waqar | Sep 22, 2023 6:22:04 AM

Astoundingly, some organizations still overlook or fail to appreciate the true value of internal communication resulting in impaired growth and less engaged employees. Some businesses might lack resources to devise a proper internal communication plan, while others might have a plan but fall short on its execution due to lack of capacity or tools. Regardless, understanding the role of internal communication is fundamental for any thriving organization. 

Defining Internal Communication 

Internal communication brings into perspective the practice of exchanging information within an organization. It includes disseminating messages from management as well as engaging in dialogues with all the staff members. The primary objective is to keep everyone updated and foster a culture of openness. 

Vital aspects like policy updates, company progress, and employee surveys form the crux of internal communication and are typically incorporated by HR, marketing, or PR teams, although inclusive participation is encouraged. 

Positive internal communication has profound benefits - it keeps everyone in the loop, strengthens the organizational culture, motivates employees, assists in crisis management, and can also add an element of fun to the work environment. 

7 Reasons why Internal Communication Matters 

1. Information Dissemination

Keeping everyone informed about different aspects of the organization, such as policy changes, company health, or upcoming initiatives, goes beyond merely sharing information. It fosters a culture of transparency and inclusivity, where employees feel valued and engaged in the decision-making process. Involving employees in the dissemination process not only educates them but also empowers them to contribute to the organization's growth. 

2. Promoting a Unified Outlook

Contrary to the misconception that internal communication is one-sided, it's a dynamic, two-way engagement method. This approach reassures employees that their perspectives and opinions are valued, cultivating a culture of inclusiveness. Providing individuals in different departments with a platform to voice their updates ensures a comprehensive understanding of the company's goals and direction, resulting in a more cohesive workforce. 

3. Culture Development

Each internal communication message, announcement, or blog article serves as a brushstroke on the canvas of your organization's culture. Leveraging internal communication effectively breathes life into your company's culture, vividly illustrating its mission, values, and purpose. It's a powerful tool for aligning employees with the company's ethos, fostering a shared sense of identity and purpose. 

4. Increasing Engagement 

Transforming internal communication from routine top-down messaging into interactive, inspiring conversations elevates employee engagement. It's not merely about conveying ideas; it's about cultivating an environment where healthy dialogues flourish among employees. This engagement not only boosts morale but also enhances the quality of ideas and innovations generated within the organization. 

5. Crisis Management

During challenging times, internal communication plays a pivotal role in maintaining trust and stability. Effective communication from management that is clear, empathetic, and timely not only earns the respect of employees but also instills a sense of security within the organization. It serves as a crucial anchor, helping employees navigate uncertainty with confidence and resilience. 

6. Dimensionalizing Workplace

Job monotony can stifle creativity and motivation. A robust internal communication strategy serves as a catalyst for overcoming this issue. By promoting learning events, sharing customer feedback, disseminating industry news, and offering opportunities for employees to expand their involvement, it injects dynamism and a sense of purpose into the workplace, fostering continuous growth and development. 

7. Feedback and Discussion Channel 

A successful internal communication strategy isn't just about broadcasting information; it actively encourages open dialogue, constructive criticism, and active discussion on important matters. This culture of feedback and discussion fosters better collaborations and a continuous improvement mindset, propelling the organization toward its goals while harnessing the collective intelligence of its workforce. 

Building an Effective Internal Communication Strategy 

Crafting a potent internal communication strategy entails strategic planning, collaboration, and a solid comprehension of your organization's objectives and culture. Below are steps to guide you in setting up an effective internal communication strategy: 

1. Define your Audience 

Begin by pinpointing your audience. Identify the critical stakeholders in your organization and establish the kind of information they need. Consider aspects like job roles, geographical location, and hierarchical levels. 

2. Outline your Objectives 

Following that, outline your objectives for internal communication. What are your expectations from your communication strategy? Is it enhancing employee engagement, disseminating vital news and updates, or fostering a cohesive company culture? 

3. Select your Platforms

Pick mediums that are most suitable for reaching your audience. This might encompass emails, intranet, social platforms, or in-person meetings. Gauge your audience's preferences and the nature of the information to be communicated. 

4. Formulate a Content Strategy

Craft a content strategy that is coherent with your objectives and chosen mediums. This could entail regular newsletters, updates on social media, or internal blog posts. It's crucial that your content is engaging, informative, and tailored to your audience. 

5. Structure a Schedule

Establish a timetable for your communication strategy. Set the frequency at which you intend to communicate with your audience and the nature of messages you plan to relay. Ensure consistency in your schedule and regular communication. 

6. Review your Outcomes 

Evaluate the efficiency of your communication strategy. Utilize metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and employee feedback to understand what strategies work and which ones require improvement. Use this analysis to tweak your strategy accordingly. 

The significance of internal communication in a business setting cannot be overstated. In today's dynamic business landscape, where engagement and adaptability are paramount, embracing the profound significance of internal communication is not just a choice; it's a necessity. Those who recognize its value and harness its potential will find their organizations not only surviving but thriving in an ever-evolving world. So, let your organization's heartbeat be the rhythm of open and effective internal communication, and watch it flourish as a beacon of success. 

At Sparrow Connected, we can help you create a winning internal communications strategy to take your organization to new heights. Our complete ICaaS (Internal Communications as a Service) solution will enhance employee engagement, and ultimately boost organizational performance. 

How Sparrow Connected Can Help You? 

At Sparrow Connected, we can help you create a winning internal communications strategy to take your organization to new heights. Our complete ICaaS (Internal Communications as a Service) solution will enhance employee engagement, and ultimately boost organizational performance. 

Ready to explore the benefits of a fully outsourced, expert internal communications solution? Schedule a chat with one of our experts today to discuss how Sparrow Connected can become your internal communications partner.