Blog | Internal Communications as a Service

Where Should Internal Comms Sit in Your Organization?

Written by Hamza Waqar | Sep 22, 2023 6:19:39 AM

Org charts can look like complex mazes. To complicate matters, there’s no universally "right" answer to the question: Where should the internal comms function live within your organization? Where Internal communications "sits" within your organization will hinge on numerous factors unique to your corporate structure and objectives. 

Let's shine a spotlight on the key areas where IC often finds a home and the potential benefits and challenges associated with each. 

Within Human Resources 

Many organizations nestle internal comms into their Human Resources (HR) department. After all, both functions are manpower-centered and focus on engaging, informing, and motivating employees. HR has a firm grasp on employee needs, making it a logical home base for internal comms. 

But there's a  downside. HR already juggles numerous critical functions, from recruitment to legal compliance. Adding internal comms to its portfolio could potentially muddle HR's focus. HR may lack the specialized skills needed to craft effective communications strategies, understand the nuances of message delivery, and measure communication impact. 

Aligned with Corporate Communications Team  

Aligning internal communications with Corporate Communications seems like another reasonable solution. In this world, internal comms can benefit from the narratives, strategies, and resources that the corporate communication team often masters. 

The danger here lies in the possibility of internal comms becoming overshadowed by external communications, as the latter often takes precedence in the corporate communication paradigm. As much as external validation is vital, the essence and impact of 'internal' communication shouldn't be lost amidst this broader communicative scope. 

Integrated Across All Departments  

Positioning internal comms as a stand-alone entity serving all departments is another strategy gaining traction. This structure allows for a centralized communication function—a hub that streamlines and synergizes communication efforts across the organization. 

The challenge, however, is the risk of it becoming isolated or overlooked, especially in organizations unfamiliar with such an unconventional structure. It requires a significant cultural shift and recognition at all levels of the importance of internal communication. 

Outsourcing internal communications has emerged as a pioneering strategy, with a concept akin to Internal Communication as a Service (ICaaS). By entrusting the complexities of internal communications to specialized providers, organizations can tap into a wealth of expertise, advanced tools, and streamlined processes that enhance engagement, foster consistent messaging, and optimize resource allocation. This approach not only ensures a more efficient and effective communication framework but also empowers internal teams to concentrate on core functions. Similar to other "as a service" models, ICaaS offers the flexibility to tailor solutions to unique organizational needs, ultimately paving the way for seamless, globally reaching, and impactful internal communications. 

So, Where Does Your Internal Comms Function Belong? 

Deciding where internal comms should "sit" in the organization may seem as perplexing as a Rubik's cube, but solving this puzzle can significantly enhance your internal communication effectiveness. 

Consider your organization's unique narrative, culture, and communication needs. Remember that a successful IC function, irrespective of its geographical position on the organizational chart, should: 

  • Have access to senior leadership 
  • Understand strategic objectives thoroughly. 
  • Possess the necessary resources and support, including technology 
  • Be equipped with autonomy to create and deliver the necessary communication strategies 


With Sparrow Connected’s ICaaS (Internal Communication as a Service), you gain access to specialized expertise, cutting-edge technologies, and scalable solutions that foster consistent branding and messaging while saving costs. This approach accelerates implementation, freeing your teams to concentrate on core activities, while also enabling data-driven insights for continuous improvement. ICaaS doesn't stop at internal communication; it can enhance external interactions and crisis management, making it an adaptable and global-reaching asset.   

Embark on a Journey of Seamless Communication with Sparrow Connected's Transformative ICaaS. 

How Sparrow Connected Can Help You? 

At Sparrow Connected, we can help you create a winning internal communications strategy to take your organization to new heights. Our complete ICaaS (Internal Communications as a Service) solution will enhance employee engagement, and ultimately boost organizational performance. 

Ready to explore the benefits of a fully outsourced, expert internal communications solution? Schedule a chat with one of our experts today to discuss how Sparrow Connected can become your internal communications partner.