Blog | Internal Communications as a Service

Streamlining Communication: In-house Versus Outsourcing

Written by Hamza Waqar | Oct 17, 2023 12:32:16 PM

For effective day-to-day operations, engaging employees, and aligning strategic visions, internal communication functions play a vital role in organizations, regardless of size or industry. However, many firms, especially those without established internal communication departments, often find themselves at crossroads: should they hire or outsource these crucial functions? 

Hiring An Internal Communications Team: The Pros and Cons 

Having internal resources can provide a significant advantage. With an in-house team, businesses can experience direct control over communication methods, a deeper understanding of company culture and objectives, coupled with immediate accessibility for emergency situations. 

However, the downside is the costs associated with constructing an internal team, such as recruitment, training, and retaining employees. In addition, there's the issue of keeping pace with fast-evolving tech trends that impact business communication. 

Outsourcing Internal Communication: The Pros and Cons 

Outsourcing, on the other hand, offers numerous benefits. For starters, businesses gain access to experienced professionals who are well-versed in crafting effective internal communications strategies, utilizing the latest tech platforms. Outsourcing also reduces expenses, allowing firms to access necessary services without incurring overhead costs tied to full-time staff employment. 

The downside, however, could be a lack of industry-specific knowledge, which might lead to communication misalignment. Confidentiality can be another concern, and thus, it's essential to select an external partner with proven credibility and safeguard measures. 

Why Outsourcing is Preferable for Organizations Without Established Communication Functions 

Outsourcing is particularly preferable for organizations without a predefined internal communications department. Done correctly, it provides flexibility and cost efficiency – no additional space, equipment, or long-term manpower commitments. Efficiency and quality do not have to suffer due to resource limitations. 

Sparrow Connected ICaaS: Your Outsourced Communications Solution 

Sparrow Connected’s ICaaS (Internal Communication as a Service) is designed to provide businesses an effective, affordable, scalable alternative to building an in-house communications team, Sparrow coupled their top-notch professionals with an award-winning omnichannel platform to help organizations create and deliver effective internal communications for approximately half the cost and without the stress of doing it in-house. 

Sparrow Connected’s ICaaS not only provides strategic communications services but also caters to your organization's unique needs by becoming a 'personal communication assistant'. By taking the time to understand your organization's communication priorities, ICaaS crafts the content, manages the operations, while you focus on your core business functions. 

In conclusion, organizations without internal communication departments are encouraged to consider the cost-effective, efficient route of outsourcing. With Sparrow Connected’s ICaaS solution, businesses can enjoy the benefits of strong, strategic internal communication without the associated stress on resources. Contact a Sparrow expert today and set your business communication at full flight. 

How Sparrow Connected Can Help You? 

At Sparrow Connected, we can help you create a winning internal communications strategy to take your organization to new heights. Our complete ICaaS (Internal Communications as a Service) solution will enhance employee engagement, and ultimately boost organizational performance.  

Ready to explore the benefits of a fully outsourced, expert internal communications solution? Schedule a chat with one of our experts today to discuss how Sparrow Connected can become your internal communications partner.