Blog | Internal Communications as a Service

Key Factors to Know Before Outsourcing Internal Communications

Written by Sonam Faisal | Sep 24, 2024 8:10:32 AM

Effective internal communication is one of the strong pillars of any successful organization.

One key decision is whether to manage internal communications in-house or outsource to an external provider. Outsourcing can bring numerous benefits, from innovative strategies to cost savings, but it’s essential to weigh these advantages against your company’s unique needs. Let’s explore why outsourcing internal communications could be the right move for your organization. 

1. Access to Fresh Ideas and Innovation 

Outsourcing internal communications opens the door to new ideas and innovative strategies that might not be available in-house. External providers work with a diverse range of clients and bring industry-wide best practices to your organization. 55% of companies report that outsourcing helps them leverage the latest communication tools and strategies that they didn’t have access to before. For instance, an external agency might introduce the latest digital tools and creative approaches to engage employees more effectively, keeping your internal communications fresh and impactful.

2. Cost-Effectiveness 

Cost savings are an important benefit of outsourcing. Maintaining an internal communications team involves expenses beyond salaries, such as benefits, training, and technology. Outsourcing can reduce these costs while still delivering high-quality results. A study by Deloitte found that companies can cut communication costs by up to 30% when outsourcing, allowing for budget reallocation to other critical areas of the business. By choosing an external provider, you get professional services without the financial strain of an in-house team. 

3. Improved Efficiency and Scalability 

Outsourcing enhances efficiency and provides scalability, important for businesses with evolving communication needs. External providers have the resources and expertise to handle communication demands swiftly and effectively. 78% of businesses believe outsourcing offers the flexibility to scale communication efforts according to their needs. Whether your company is undergoing rapid growth or dealing with seasonal changes, outsourcing ensures that your internal communications can adapt without disrupting operations.  

4. Access to Advanced Tools and Resources 

External providers often use advanced tools and technology to create high-quality communication strategies. From sophisticated analytics platforms to creative content tools, outsourcing gives you access to these resources without the need for significant investment. 57% of companies experience enhanced communication quality when outsourcing, thanks to these specialized tools. For example, external agencies might use advanced video production techniques or data-driven insights to craft engaging newsletters and internal updates. 

5. Focus on Core Business Functions 

By outsourcing internal communications, your organization can focus on its core business functions. Handling internal communications in-house can divert attention from critical strategic tasks. A survey by McKinsey found that companies that outsource non-core functions see a 25% increase in productivity as internal teams can concentrate on key business activities. This allows your employees to devote their efforts to driving growth and innovation while leaving communication management to the experts. 

6. Expertise in Compliance and Confidentiality 

In regulated industries such as healthcare, finance, and government, maintaining confidentiality and compliance is important. Outsourcing to providers with expertise in these areas ensures that your internal communications adhere to industry regulations and protect sensitive information. 44% of businesses in regulated sectors express concern about confidentiality when outsourcing. Choosing a provider with strong data protection measures and compliance experience can mitigate these concerns, ensuring that your communications remain secure. 

Simplify Internal Comms with ICaaS 

Sparrow Connected’s Internal Communications as a Service (ICaaS) offers a solution that combines the benefits of an award-winning platform, in-house knowledge with the expertise of external innovation. Our platform provides advanced communication strategies, ensures security, and adapts to your business needs. Our continuous efforts to enhance our features ensure that we meet the evolving needs of modern organizations, offering a blend of flexibility, security, and effectiveness that match the evolving needs in the Internal Communications Environment. 

Outsourcing internal communications can bring significant benefits, including cost savings, innovative ideas, and improved efficiency. It’s a strategic choice that can enhance the quality of your communications while allowing your organization to focus on its core activities. 

If you’re considering how to elevate your internal communications, Talk to us today. Discover how our platform can provide the support, advantages, and flexibility you need to achieve your communication goals and drive your business forward! 


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